Week 8 Mileage goals

Sunday, July 28 2019

Here is the plan for Week 8. The official start of the season is just around the corner. Stay focused AWXC. This time of the year matters so much as we make this big transition. You are in control of your future destiny right now. So just like Yoda says, "Do or do not, there is no try." Just do!!!! Get those miles in! Get that sleep in! Eat well, and bask in the rewards a month or two from now. Your future self will thank you! 

This week is not the same but very similar to last week. 


Mileage Pounders
Mon- 5-6 total 12-14 400s on the track with a 10 minute warmup
Tues- 6 Mile recovery pace run
Wed- 9-10 Mile long run
Thu- General Strength and 5-6 mile Run 
Fri- 5-6 miles FRISBEE!!!
Sat or Sun- 5-6 miles with 26 minutes of your run to be at a tempo pace (non-talking faster pace faster than usual)
Sat or Sun-3-5 miles

Emerging Runners
Mon- 4-5 total (8-12 400s on the track) with a 10 minute warmup and cooldown
Tue- 4.5-6 Mile recovery pace run
Wed- 8-10 Mile long run
Thu- General Strength routine and 4.5-5.5 miles 
Fri- 4-5 miles and Ultimate Frisbee!
Sat or Sun- 4-5 miles with 20 minutes of your run to be at a tempo pace (non-talking faster pace faster than usual)
Sat or Sun-Off if needed or 2-3 miles

Beginner/ Newer Runners
Mon- 3-4 total (4-5 400s on the track) 10 min warmup and cooldown
Tue- 3-4 Mile recovery pace run
Wed- 5-6 Mile long run
Thu-General Strength routine and 3-4 mile run 
Fri- 3-4 miles AND Ultimate Frisbee!
Sun-off if needed or 2-3